Toy guns near a high school | Two minors arrested in La Prairie

Two minors in possession of toy guns were arrested Thursday afternoon in La Prairie. A “potentially armed” individual had been seen near the Magdeleine secondary school two days earlier.

Posted at 5:19 p.m.

William Theriault

William Theriault
The Press

The case has been submitted to the Director of Criminal and Penal Prosecutions (DPCP) for evaluation, says Sandra Blouin, community and media relations officer at the Roussillon intermunicipal police board.

We do not yet know the charges that will target the two minors, whose toy guns were seized by the police. “The denunciation will be made by the prosecutor”, she specifies.


Tuesday, around 1:25 p.m., a student from La Magdeleine secondary school contacted the authorities to report the presence of a “potentially armed” individual. As a preventive measure, the educational establishment closed its doors on Wednesday and Thursday.

The Grandes-Seigneuries School Services Center (CSSDGS), which oversees the Magdeleine school, assisted the Roussillon intermunicipal police board in its investigation, he confirmed to The Press.

According to the echoes we have, it reassures people to see that concrete action has been taken. We try to ensure that we have a safe environment for our students. From the moment there is a police investigation in which we collaborate, we do not take chances.

Hélène Dumais, Deputy Director of the General Secretariat and Communications Department at the CSSDGS

On Thursday, fourth and fifth secondary students were to take part in the ministerial test of enriched English. They will not be penalized. The Magdeleine school plans instead to postpone the exam to a later date, given the “exceptional situation”.

The closure also affects the Vocational Training Center in La Prairie and the General Adult Training Center in Grandes-Seigneuries, two buildings located near the Magdeleine school.

Under the arrests, police consider the threat “averted.” It is now up to the CSSDGS to make a decision regarding the reopening of the three establishments.

“As soon as we have a recommendation, we position ourselves [pour la réouverture] and we communicate it to the parents,” explains Hélène Dumais.

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  • 2100
    Approximate number of students attending Magdeleine high school in La Prairie.

    Grandes-Seigneuries School Service Center

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