toxic products in school bags?


Article written by

C. Laronce, S. Broomberg, E. Bach, F. Bazille, M. Mullot, F. Bohn, L. Houel, C. Gindre – France 3

France Televisions

The National Health Security Agency is concerned, Thursday, July 7, about the presence of chemical substances in pens, glue, pencils and children’s notebooks. Scientists are calling for the same safety standards as for toys.

School is barely over, Thursday, July 7, and school supplies are already making a comeback with their acid shades on store shelves. However, these supplies intended for children may contain toxic substances. Children are in daily contact with pens or erasers, which they put in their mouths. According to the National Health Security Agency (ANSES), many contain dangerous substances.

“We found a lot of different chemical substances, such as phthalates. You have perfume substances, dyes, heavy metals, lead…”, warns Céline Dubois, ANSES scientific expertise coordinator. So some manufacturers anticipate consumer concerns. Natural products tend to replace plastics. ANSES is also calling for regulations excluding dangerous chemicals in school supplies. In the meantime, the agency advises choosing products without glitter, fragrance and dye to protect children’s health.

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