Towards the return to parliament | Poilievre proposes “more anger”, denounces Trudeau

(Ottawa) The gloves are down. A few days before Parliament resumes in Ottawa, Justin Trudeau is signaling that he intends to do battle with his Conservative opponent Pierre Poilievre, emphasizing the contrast between Liberal and Conservative visions.

The Prime Minister set the table for the return of MPs, who began to converge on Parliament Hill again after the holiday break. Just before his caucus meeting, he attacked the leader of the official opposition – who had skinned him a little earlier Friday morning.

“Mr. Poilievre chose to amplify people’s anger, which is real. Instead of offering them solutions, he simply offers them more anger. We are going to propose real solutions, as we have done, ”he declared in a press scrum before rushing into the meeting room where his deputies were gathered.

He continued along the same lines in his speech to the Liberal troops, accusing his Conservative rival of having “decided to say that everything is broken without offering a concrete solution”. Then, after touching on a range of topics, he told his elected officials to remember that a vote could come at any time.

Because in a minority situation, “we must be ready for anything,” argued Justin Trudeau.

Outside, meanwhile, fencing was being erected around the parliament buildings in anticipation of the weekend, which marks the one-year anniversary of the start of the “freedom convoy” occupation. The police have also increased their visibility.

The National Liberal Caucus continues Saturday.

As for the work of the House of Commons, they resume on Monday.

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