towards the end of territorialized visas?



Video length: 2 min

Mayotte: towards the end of territorialized visas?

Mayotte: towards the end of territorialized visas? – (France 2)

A bill must put an end to land rights in Mayotte. Gérald Darmanin, who promised the examination of a text before the summer, also promises the abolition of territorialized visas. Explanations.

After three weeks of crisis, demonstrations and blockades, the government promised the abolition of territorial visas in Mayotte. This visa has been an exception on the island for 30 years. When foreigners, mainly from the Comoros, obtain a valid residence permit, they only obtain the right to stay on the island of Mayotte, and cannot go to mainland France. Today, 35,000 foreigners hold this visa.

Reduction of the granting of a residence permit by 90%

The inhabitants of Mayotte have been calling for its removal in recent weeks. They hope that migratory pressure will ease on the island. In 3 years, the population has quadrupled. “[Certains] foreigners in a legal situation in Mayotte will leave Mayotte for Reunion or mainland France, quite simply because Reunion or mainland France are more attractive than Mayotte.analyzes François Dumont, demographer.

To avoid a migratory influx in mainland France, the government says in return that it will reduce the granting of residence permits by 90%. The Minister of the Interior wishes as a priority to restrict land rights in Mayotte through a constitutional revision. It will require the vote of 3/5 of Parliament.

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