towards the end of free installation of doctors, to fight against medical deserts?


Video length: 2 min.

France 3

Article written by

H. Capelli, A. Bourse, J. Weyl, P. de la Foata, France 3 Pays de la Loire – France 3

France Televisions

The question comes up regularly when it comes to fighting against medical deserts in France: should doctors be forced where they are most lacking in the territory? The deputies will examine a bill from Monday, June 12.

Since the beginning of the month in Froidfond (Vendée), there is no longer a general practitioner. The mayor of the city, which has 2,200 inhabitants, is struggling to find a new one but the candidates are not jostling despite the ease of installation. The National Assembly will look into medical deserts in the coming days. With this question: should doctors be prohibited from opening their practice where there are already many doctors? The initiative is supported by 200 deputies.

11% of the population has no attending physician

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