Video length: 2 min
Michel Barnier: towards the composition of a government next week?
Michel Barnier: towards the composition of a government next week?
(France 2)
The announcement of a government will be for next week, promised Michel Barnier. The Prime Minister met with elected representatives from Horizons, the party of Édouard Philippe, and from the MoDem of François Bayrou.
At the Élysée, the last Council of Ministers was held on July 16. What will the first Barnier government look like? The Prime Minister is now setting a timetable: “Next week we will have a government”. Long refractory, the Republicans want to be part of it. At LR, the battle is raging, especially for the Ministry of the Interior. Among the contenders: Laurent Wauquiez, head of the LR deputies, Bruno Retailleau, head of the Republican senators, or David Lisnard, mayor of Cannes.
MP Annie Genevard is even openly a candidate for National Education: “I have worked a lot on these issues.”she assures. Emmanuel Macron wants to keep control of his reserved areas: Defense and Foreign Affairs. For the Quai d’Orsay, Stéphane Séjourné would like to stay, but he is in competition with Gérald Darmanin, who is campaigning behind the scenes, and who sets his conditions if the presidential camp enters the government: “If our red lines are crossed, I hope the group can ask them to leave the government.”he said.