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If the health situation continues to improve, the government plans to lift the vaccination pass at the end of March. Everything will depend on the incidence rate and hospital pressure.
The vaccination pass could disappear several months in advance, at the end of March or the beginning of April. This is a possibility mentioned in the Council of Ministers on Wednesday February 9 by Gabriel Attal, the government spokesman, because of the improvement in certain indicators. After the peak of January 24, the contaminations and the incidence rate are marking time. France currently has less than 2,500 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.
However, the situation in the hospital remains fragile, with more than 3,500 people in intensive care. The tension begins to drop. Gabriel Attal mentioned “a beginning of improvement”with models that “can give hope that at this horizon of the end of March, beginning of April, the situation has relaxed enough in the hospital for us to be able to lift the vaccination pass”. Some epidemiologists remain cautious, however, and recommend, in the event of the lifting of the vaccination pass, to continue to closely monitor the indicators.