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It is a reform which is presented by the Minister of Justice as an ode to equality between parents. Éric Dupond-Moretti announces Sunday, December 19, that he wants to make the name change much simpler.
She calls herself Anna Rebeschini. A name of use, the name of his mother, to no longer bear the name of his father. A decision she thought about when she was a teenager. “I was brought up by my mom. My dad was there but not a lot, so I think it’s important to have the family name of the person raising us.”, says the young woman. This name, she would like it to appear on her ID. For several months, she tried to do so, but the overly complex procedure dissuaded her.
Like her every year, they are 2000 to take these steps. “You have to put in a lot of proof. So one of the difficulties of this procedure is the processing times”, explains Nathalie Dival, lawyer in family and personal law. Response times that can range from two to three years. But this procedure should change. The government wants to simplify the procedures. The text will be examined at the Assembly at the start of the year and could come into effect from 1er next july.