towards seasonal vaccination in France?



Article written by

F.Bouquillat, N.Tabouri, E.Delevoye, N.Jauson – France 2

France Televisions

Covid-19 is still present in France, but the incidence and positivity rates are down. A new rebound is not excluded, however. How to protect yourself effectively?

Sunday, May 1, the incidence and positivity rate for Covid-19 are still high, but their level is falling. More than 80% of French people are vaccinated and protected against serious forms of the disease. 1,562 Covid-19 patients were admitted to critical care on Saturday April 30, compared to nearly 6,000 in April 2021, and more than 7,000 in April 2020. It remains important to protect the most vulnerable, in the event of a rebound of the epidemic quite likely, according to some scientists, since the vaccine loses its effectiveness over the months.

“When we arrive at the start of the school year, more specifically towards the fall, we can imagine that in November, December, we could have an epidemic rise”, advances Pr. Philippe Amouyel, epidemiologist at the University Hospital of Lille (North). Should a fourth dose of vaccine be considered for everyone? According to some epidemiologists, Covid-19 could go from being a pandemic to a seasonal disease. This is the case of Yves Buisson, epidemiologist and member of the Academy of Medicine, who imagines “seasonal protection at the beginning of winter or at the end of autumn, of the most vulnerable people”.

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