towards recognition of State responsibility



Video duration:
2 min

Condemnation of homosexuality: towards recognition of State responsibility

Condemnation of homosexuality: towards recognition of the responsibility of the State – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – J. Wild, J. Poissonnier, C. Sinz, C. Laronce, A. Dupont, X. Romain, M. Anglade, B. Auzet, K. Johnson

France Televisions

From 1942 to 1982, 10,000 people were convicted for their sexual orientation in France. The Senate has just recognized the responsibility of the State. It was a necessity for associations fighting against homophobia.

It often takes just a few images to bring back memories… Bernard Bousset was hunted because he was homosexual, at a time when such orientations could lead to prison. The Senate has just recognized the State’s responsibility until 1982 in this discrimination, but without voting for compensation. “It’s not a sum that can repair mistakes. It’s simply saying: ‘We made a mistake’”, assures Bernard Bousset. He was 23 when an evening with a young boy landed him in court.

“It has to be done”

At the trial, he was humiliated and sentenced to a heavy fine. His judgment is published in a local newspaper. “Since then, I have been ashamed. I arrive with this mark (…): ‘I was a delinquent. I was sick’”, testifies Bernard Bousset. Like him, between 1942 and 1982, more than 10,000 people were convicted.

The bill intends to rehabilitate them. “We must do it, while there are still people alive. Tell these victims: ‘We heard you. We consider you and we express the regrets of the nation'”, indicates PS senator Hussein Bourgi. Until 1992, the French state classified homosexuality as a psychiatric illness. For associations fighting against homophobia, recognition of the role of the State in this discrimination was essential.

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