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As Europe prepares for the energy crisis expected this winter, France and Germany could agree to exchange gas and electricity to meet their respective needs.
France which lights up thanks to Germany, Germany which warms up thanks to France. This is the possible solution to spend the winter a little more serenely. A gas much more used across the Rhine to operate the industry. A figure that rises to 85 billion cubic meters per year against about 41 billion for France. “For the first time in a very long time, France is exporting gas to Eastern Europe“, confided Monday, September 5, President Emmanuel Macron.
In exchange, Germany would provide power to France, because France is short of electricity. Part of the nuclear fleet will still be under maintenance as winter approaches. Moreover, if the 56 nuclear reactors were running at full capacity, the country would still need German electricity in the event of extreme cold. In 2019, France had already had to import for 25 days. A solution that could avoid the fiasco of hijackings observed during the first weeks of Covid-19. “Vladimir Putin’s objective is to divide Europeans, confides Thomas Pellerin-Carlin, director of the energy center of the Jacques Delors Institute. So either we play collectively and we will manage to overcome this winter, and the next ones which will also be difficult, or we play solo and in this case, we will fall one by one.“