towards environmentally conscious modernization


Video length: 1 min.

France 2

Article written by

France 2 – R. Asencio, S. Soltani, M. Renier, M. Barrois, V. Jové

France Televisions

There are more than 1,500 commercial zones in France. Sites that are often energy-intensive and unattractive. So via a transformation plan, the government intends to give them another face.

Aging buildings, poorly maintained and never renovated, commercial zones multiplied on the outskirts of cities in the 1970s and have not changed much since. “It’s not very pretty, it’s an area that is showing the weight of the years and it needs to be renovated,” comments a customer in a commercial area in Essonne for 15 years.

A challenge of many commercial areas

source site-23