towards confinement in Beijing?


France 2

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New restrictions have been decided in Beijing (China). The authorities could decide to confine the city.

Will confine, will not confine? This is the whole question that arises in Beijing (China), in the capital. The rush to supermarkets was seen as a fresh round of PCR testing for residents is due to take place in the next three days. Beijing declares 800 cases of Covid-19 since April 22, including fifty new cases, Friday May 13. There is panic and anxiety in the air: the authorities are imposing new restrictions. Taxis, for example, cannot no longer circulate in some districts of the capital.

The authorities are asking residents to stay at home and work from home. Beijing looks like a ghost town and most public places are closed. Everyone fears strict confinement, like in Shanghai. This city has been confined for 49 days and the end has not yet been recorded, confides the journalist from France Télévisions, Arnauld Miguet.

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