towards complementarity between nuclear and renewable?




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While a rise in energy prices has had a hard impact on the return to school of the French, the idea of ​​a return to nuclear power is a solution discussed which could materialize in the coming weeks. Journalist Étienne Lefebvre and economist Christophe Ramaux discuss it on franceinfo Tuesday, October 26.

Emmanuel Macron will he press the nuclear button? This is a question that never ceases to circulate while the successive increases in energy that have occurred since the start of the school year require solutions for a large part of French people. For Etienne Lefebvre, editor-in-chief at Echoes, an announcement of this type could be made in the coming weeks: “The suspense is quite low“because, according to the latest RTE report, which calls for a return to nuclear power, this is important”to emit less CO2“, without counting that it presents a”economic interest” certain.

Today, when there is no wind or sun, you need a supplement“, believes Christophe Ramaux, member of the appalled Economists and teacher at La Sorbonne. Nuclear power should therefore be conserved and used when renewable energies are unable to produce, constrained – among other things – by the weather. It remains to be seen whether the delay taken by the executive will be remedied in the event of the opening of new EPRs.


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