towards an increase of around 10% in mutual insurance?



Video length: 1 min

Health: towards a 10% increase in mutual insurance?

Mutual insurance prices could increase by 10% next year. The government wishes to oppose this by dividing the increase by two. – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – A. Silva, J. Cholin, B. Girodin, A. Brolin

France Televisions

Mutual insurance rates could increase by around 10% next year. The government wishes to oppose this by dividing the increase by two.

Mutual health insurance could be much more expensive in 2024. News that worries the French. “Reimbursement is not optimal, many things are my responsibility, such as dental care”, confides a citizen. The increase in mutual insurance could reach between 8 to 12%, after an increase of 5% in 2023.

Several reasons for this increase

The increase is explained in particular by an aging population and the increase in the cost of care. The disengagement of Health Insurance is also in question, which transferred 500 million euros to mutual funds for dental care. The Minister of Health spoke about this increase. “An increase of 4 to 5% would be logical. An increase of 8% makes no sense”, criticized Aurélien Rousseau. It is recommended to carefully examine the guarantees offered to waive benefits.

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