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Moscow announced a ceasefire in Mariupolbesieged city, Thursday 31 March. Evacuations of civilians could begin as early as Friday.
In the middle of a devastated neighborhood, where some buildings are still in flames, a resident of Mariupol (Ukraine) films his family and his few suitcases. They hope to leave town. “We’ve been awake since 5 am this morning. We packed our bags and hope to leave. What we’ve been through, I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.”said the man.
The convoys are on their way, Thursday, March 31. Around fifty coaches and humanitarian trucks are expected on Friday 1 April at Mariupolto start the evacuation. It will be necessary to find and warn the families, often hidden for several weeks to protect themselves from the bombs. “We estimate that 150,000 civilians are still in Mariupol. But these people live like mice, underground.”comments Sergei Orlovthe mayor of the town. On the last section of the coach route, leaving from Zaporizhia (Ukraine) in the morning, the fighting continues. The Red Cross therefore wants to move quickly.