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Is there a turning point being played out in the war in Ukraine? A team from France Télévisions was able to observe, on Sunday March 27, a clear withdrawal of Russian troops near the city of Mykolaiv.
Until a few days ago, a road northeast of Mykolaiv was controlled by the Russians. Sunday, March 27, they left, and the villages all around were reconquered. The Ukrainian flag flies again. In the suburbs of Bashtanka, there are carcasses of Russian vehicles destroyed by the Ukrainians. A resident proudly shows off a wrecked rocket launcher truck in the open field.
After days of fierce fighting, the Russian army was pushed back to Bashtanka. Near the city center, a neighborhood was bombed. A resident is still in shock, but is relieved to see that the enemy has left. “The Russian troops were pushed back 50 km (from Bashtanka), further east”, explains the special envoy to Bashtanka Angélique Forget. 1 hour away, the big city of Mykolaiv finds a bit of calm: the inhabitants go out and buy their bread, as before.