towards a sold-out Stadium for Toulouse-Ulster

The seats of the Stadium of Toulouse do not have time to cool down at the moment. After the clash of Ligue 2 between the TFC and Paris FC on April 2 which was full (more than 28,000 spectators), around the rugby players to fill the Stadium. Stade Toulousain continues the defense of its title of European champion this Saturday with a round of 16 first leg against the Irish of Ulster.

Less than 2,500 seats for sale

Two days before the match, more than 25,000 tickets have been sold for this Champions Cup meeting on Saturday at the Stadium. There are less than 2,500 places left for sale. After a particularly turbulent group stage due to cancellations of matches due to Covid, serious things are beginning on the European scene.

Stade Toulousain will return to the Stadium very quickly since Ugo Mola’s men will host La Rochelle in the Top 14 on Saturday April 30 on the Ile du Ramier.

The meeting between Toulouse and Ulster will be live in full on France Bleu Occitanie from 4:15 p.m.

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