towards a sixth wave of the epidemic in France?



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The end of wearing a mask indoors and of the vaccination pass does not mean that we have to let our guard down in the face of the Covid-19 epidemic. The journalist and doctor Damien Mascret, present on the set of 19/20, Monday March 14, looks back on the epidemic situation in France.

The journalist and doctor Damien Mascret is present, Monday, March 14, on the set of 19/20. He provides details on the situation of the Covid-19 epidemic in France. “It is obvious that we are at the dawn of a sixth wave. We see that we are already going up. Ten days ago, we were at an average of around 52,000 contaminations per day. [Dimanche 13 mars]we are at more than 65,000“, reports Damien Mascret.

Fortunately, the pressure has eased on the hospital. We now have around 20,000 hospitalizations. (…) We have less than 2,000 people who are in critical care”, continues the journalist, before specifying that these figures will go up, logically, with the end of the wearing of the compulsory mask indoors. According to modeling by the Institut Pasteur, transmission rates could increase between 40 and 130%.

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