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After mustard, sunflower oil or wheat, rice could be missing from the shelves. French producers are sounding the alarm. In question: the exceptional climatic hazards in certain countries.
Rice is likely to be missing from supermarket shelves in the coming months. French manufacturers manufacturing rice-based products warn of possible supply disruptions. Consumers are worried. “It will be the same as for the oil (…). We will buy the rice at exorbitant prices”, fears a client. The main rice producers, India and Pakistan have been affected by high temperatures and floods. Thus, 250,000 tons of rice would have been lost.
European production was also affected by the drought. In one year, the price of rice has already increased by 12%. For Pascale Hébel, associate director of C-Ways and consumer specialist, prices will continue to climb. “With the floods, with the climatic accidents, we will have a price increase which can reach 20% on rice, as we currently have on pasta”, says the expert. The next rice harvests are expected in February. The first supply difficulties could therefore arise at that time.