towards a revision of the Constitution?


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1 minute


Article written by

franceinfo – C. Tixier, J. Assouly, C. Graziani, X. Roman, A. Trubouart, L. Le Moigne, N. Laydier, B. Vidal

France Televisions

Wednesday October 4, on the occasion of the 65th anniversary of the Constitution, the President of the Republic opened the way for an expansion of the Constitution. In what context? Response elements.

Wednesday October 4, one of the most protected texts of the Republic leaves its case for its 65th anniversary. Emmanuel Macron wants to renovate this old lady. Among the avenues considered: allowing recourse to the referendum extended to new subjects. “There are still important areas (…) which fall outside the scope of article 11 of our Constitution”, indicated the head of state. This announcement is considered unnecessary by the far right.

Registration of the abortion

The other project: decentralization to give more power to local elected officials. The head of state also said he was in favor of simplifying the shared initiative referendum. Never implemented until now, its conditions could be relaxed. The inclusion of abortion in the Constitution has also been relaunched. These proposals, traditionally defended on the left, were not convincing. Éric Coquerel, NUPES deputy, believes: “I feel like we’re trying to buy time. It wouldn’t surprise me if there was nothing in the end.”

Revising the Constitution could prove more complicated than expected. A 3/5 majority of parliament is required.

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