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After a sharp drop in the number of weddings due to the health crisis, will spring be that of the resumption of weddings? The reservations are linked, both in the rooms and at the caterers.
At a caterer near Bordeaux (Gironde), bride and groom choose the dishes that will be served during their wedding, scheduled for mid-September. “We have friends who were to get married and who postponed their marriage three times, others two. There is always this uncertainty, but we are optimistic”, says Nicolas Simonnet, future groom. After a difficult year, the caterer now has 120 reservations for weddings in 2022, twice as many as the previous year. “It makes us want to start this season with a bang.”confides Sébastien Guil, operational director of the Maison Dulou caterer.
The improvement even creates traffic jams. Tiphaine Ing, future bride, tries on the dress she has dreamed of wearing for over a year. The My Kala store is overflowing with orders. “There have been a lot of marriages that have been decided at the last moment, because people are certainly regaining their confidence, there are a lot of postponed marriages that suddenly wake up (…), and there are those who have caught a weekday date, or indian summer“, explains Paul Cherqui, the director. The number of ceremonies should break all records in 2022.