towards a rebalancing between health insurance and mutuals?


Article written by

PY.Salique, A.Jolly, J.Ricco, JJ.Buty, S.Agrabi, A.Tranchant – France 3

France Televisions

Increasingly expensive mutuals, especially for retirees. observation on which the Ministry of Health wonders, on the functioning of these complementary health. A report will be submitted before the end of the year. Should they be discarded in favor of super social security? A question that is debated.

Fewer mutuals, more health insurance, a rebalancing is under consideration. However, if contributions are on the rise for variable health coverage, additional ones are considered essential. “The abolition of mutual funds would result in leaving the French alone, facing the State and the State to decide on our social protection, which is not desirable. This would also lead to an increase in compulsory levies and charged”, explains Eric Chenu, president of Mutualité Française.

Complementaries spend 30 billion euros each year. A transfer to Medicare would be a complete overhaul of the system. Daniel Rosenweg, author of “The book (very) noir des mutuelles ”pleads for more solidarity, especially with retirees. The elderly are seen as people at risk by mutual funds, which automatically increase them by 1% each year. We must stop this and restore a logic throughout life “, he adds. The Health Ministry’s report is expected before the end of the year, but nothing is expected to change before the elections.

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