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A new accident in Cantal puts the debate on hunting back at the heart of the presidential election campaign. The political reactions are very numerous. Seven fatal accidents occurred in 2021 in France, where there are just over 1.5 million valid permits.
Hunting is again at the center of political debate. After a new accident in Cantal, it is the question of the sharing of natural space that resurfaces. For the environmental candidate Yannick Jadot, it is necessary to ban hunting on weekends and during school holidays, to avoid new tragedies. A position today shared by a good part of the left.
Conversely, for Marine Le Pen, hunting is already a fairly regulated tradition. Hunting has always been a must in the race for the Élysée. Active hunters now represent over a million potential voters. In 2017, half of them had voted for the right or the extreme right. But today, debates on animal welfare could weigh on policy thinking. 55% of French people say they are rather unfavorable to hunting.