Tourism: discovering Yucatán, land of the Mayas of Mexico


Video length: 5 min.

France 2

Article written by

L. De La Mornais, A. Filippi, Z. Boughzou – France 2

France Televisions

The 13 Hours of Discovery on Thursday, May 25 takes you on a discovery of the Yucatán jungle. It is a heavenly and natural place, steeped in history. This is where the Mayan remains are, but also sacred cenotes.

It’s the sound of a language that’s over 3,000 years old. Maya is more exactly one of its branches spoken in the Yucatán peninsula in Mexico. Arrived at the heart of the jungle, French tourists must comply with the purification ritual before entering the sacred forest of punta Laguna. The Mayas also offer the most modern experiences, to access the heart of the forest, as with the Zipline which allows access to spider monkeys. The peninsula of Yucatan is also famous for its cenotes which are fresh water holes in the jungle. The Maya believe that these are doors to Iunderworld.

9 million Mayans in the world

You can also sleep with locals in the middle of the jungle.It’s alive“, underlines a Belgian tourist. Manuel, the tourist’s host, tries to teach her about nature and the protection of animals. Tourism is a virtuous circle, it helps Mayan communities to keep their know-how. The Mayas left the vestiges of their very advanced civilization. Some temples are crowded, but others are still not very lively. There are 9 million Mayans left in the world, mainly in Mexico and Guatemala.

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