Concerned about the future of tourism in Montreal, Mayor Valérie Plante is asking Quebec for a “real reopening plan” a clear game plan to revive the cultural and event industry. Internationally as here, the organizers are abandoning the metropolis in the face of the lack of predictability of health instructions in the metropolis, she pleads.
Posted at 1:54 p.m.
“We must learn to live with the virus, we will have to adapt without contravening health measures,” said Plant. “How can we make sure that we don’t miss the boat to organize events that make Montreal’s reputation? »
Several provinces have sent clear signals to major cities, while in Montreal we still do not know under what conditions the events that attract tourists and drive the economy can take place, deplore the president and CEO of Tourisme Montreal, Yves Lalumière. and the General Manager of the Montreal Centre-Ville Commercial Development Corporation, Glenn Castanheira.
With the mayor of Montreal Valérie Plante, they are asking the Legault government for a complete reopening schedule and details concerning the health rules required this summer.

The CEO of the Montreal Centre-Ville Commercial Development Corporation, Glenn Castanheira
Mr. Lalumière fears losing the interest of the international market. “Montreal deserves better than weekly planning. We are the only province that does not have this clear plan. »
The reputation of a great metropolis is in danger, he adds. About fifty major conventions scheduled for Montreal in March and April have been moved due to stricter health measures than neighboring cities. This represents a considerable financial loss.

The CEO of Tourisme Montreal, Yves Lalumière
Last year the whole world was confined, adds Glenn Castanheira. The situation is now different and the lack of planning poses a real threat to the city’s international reputation. “Montréal compares to the major cities of the world. We find ourselves the last déconfinés. »