Tour de France 2022: the route of the 15th stage between Rodez and Carcassonne

The Tour de France 2022 peloton will leave Rodez this Sunday July 17, heading for Carcassonne, in the Aude via the Tarn and the Haute-Garonne. This 15th stage of the Tour de France200 kilometers long, features two category 3 climbs and an opportunity for the Green Jersey to distinguish itself with a sprint, just before the second climb.

On July 17, the 15th stage from Rodez to Carcassonne

After Lozère, Aveyron. Rodez hosts a stage start (as in 2015), the day after the arrival in Mende. The peloton should then cross the Tarn, the Haute-Garonne, a short return to the Tarn, then tumble into the Aude. The finish will be judged in Carcassonne.

On the menu for this 200 kilometer long stage, two hills and a sprint : the Côte d’Ambialet over 4.4 km at 4.6% (category 3) and the Côte des Cammazes over 5.1 km at 4.1% (category 3).

According to Christian Prudhomme, director of the Tour de France, “the course was designed to reserve this day for the sprinter teams. On condition, however, that they apply themselves in their work of controlling the attackers of the day, from whom we can always expect a surprise..”

The detailed map of the 15th stage

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The profile of this 15th stage with two climbs and a sprint

  • 68.9 km away – Côte d’Ambialet (4.4 km at 4.6%, category 3);
  • 147 km away – Saint-Ferréol Sprint;
  • 154.6 km away – Côte des Cammazes (5.1 km at 4.1%, category 3).
The profile of the 15th stage.

The timetables for the 15th stage

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The Tour de France 2022 map

The official route of the Tour de France 2022.
The official route of the Tour de France 2022.

source site-37