Tour de France 2022: the lightened anti-Covid protocol

D-Day for the riders of the Tour de France who start this 2022 edition with a first time trial in the streets of the Danish capital, Copenhagen, this Friday. For the third consecutive year, cyclists must deal with an anti-Covid health protocol. While the number of new cases has more than doubled in a week in France to reach its highest level since April, half a dozen runners have already had to leave the race, like French Cofidis sprinter Bryan Coquard .

Tested positive for Covid-19, he announced Thursday June 30 that he would not start the Tour, giving way to Pierre-Luc Périchon. The Italian Matteo Trentin, teammate of the outgoing double winner Tadej Pogacar, was also replaced by Marc Hirschi. Ditto for Tim Declercq, replaced by the French champion Florian Sénéchal at Quick-Step.

No systematic abandonment for positive and asymptomatic runners

However, and this is a novelty, all runners positive for Covid-19 will no longer be automatically excluded of the test. The asymptomatic may be authorized to remain in the race indicates the updated version of the health protocol applicable to the Tours of France, Spain and Italy published on Tuesday June 28 by the International Cycling Union (UCI). So far, no runner declared positive has been kept in the race.

From now on, their fate will no longer be based on a decision by the UCI, which was to consult “the organizers and the national authorities”, but on the diagnosis of three doctors. “In the event of the occurrence within a team of a case of Covid-19 confirmed by an antigen test and then by a PCR test (whether it is a rider or a staff member) , the decision on possible isolation will be taken collectively by the doctor of the team concerned, the Covid-19 doctor of the event and the medical director of the UCI, on the basis of the clinical elements available. will be taken by a majority of the panel”, provides for the new regulations, drawn up by a steering group placed under the responsibility of the UCI medical director, Professor Xavier Bigard, and made up of representatives of riders, teams, team doctors and organisers.

Teams will no longer withdraw

In addition, the rule which allowed the organizer to withdraw a team if two or more of its runners were affected by the virus in less than seven days is waived.

Mandatory tests and mask wearing

The riders and team members have all been testedvia an antigen test, 48 hours in advance departure. They will be again during the two rest days (July 11 and 18). During the race, the UCI recommends that team personnel (in addition to athletes) test themselves daily or, failing that, every two or three days. Otherwise, the obligation to wear a mask is maintained.

Selfies and autographs to avoid

Runners are finally asked to avoid selfies and autographs. “The messages we send to runners is to refuse selfies and autographs. We didn’t imagine that a month ago, that’s how it is, you have to deal with it“said Tour director Christian Prudhomme on the eve of the start. “It will take poles, masks”, he added, inviting respect for barrier gestures to approach the runners. “We will distribute 40,000 masks for accredited called to speak to the runners who obviously have to be protected”.

Our Tour de France 2022 file

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