Tour de France 2022: follow the 15th stage between Rodez and Carcassonne

This 15th stage of the Tour de France, 200 kilometers long, has two category 3 climbs and an opportunity for the Green Jersey to distinguish itself with a sprint, just before the second climb. The Tour de France 2022 peloton leaves Rodez this Sunday July 17, heading for Carcassonne, in the Aude via the Tarn and the Haute-Garonne.

The essential

The Live Stage

9 a.m. Hello and welcome to the direct this 15th stage between Rodez and Carcassonne, for an arrival around 5:40 p.m.

The 15th stage map

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The profile of this 15th stage with two climbs and a sprint

  • 68.9 km away – Côte d’Ambialet (4.4 km at 4.6%, category 3);
  • 147 km away – Saint-Ferréol Sprint;
  • 154.6 km away – Côte des Cammazes (5.1 km at 4.1%, category 3).
The profile of the 15th stage.

The timetables for the 15th stage

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The Tour de France 2022 map

The official route of the Tour de France 2022.
The official route of the Tour de France 2022.

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