Tour de France 2022: discover the route of the Dunkirk-Calais and Lille-Arenberg stages

Where will the Tour de France pass in the Nord and Pas-de-Calais this year? Which municipalities will be crossed? Discover the route of the Dunkirk-Calais and Lille-Arenberg stages on our interactive maps. We help you choose the best location to cheer on and encourage the runners.

After a big start in Copenhagen on Friday July 1, 2022, and two other stages in Denmark, the riders will return to France. They will be entitled to a rest day in Lille on Monday 4 July.

Dunkirk > Calais

The 4th stage of the Grande Boucle will leave from Dunkirk on July 5, 2022 to arrive in Calais after 172 kilometers of road. The peloton will take the direction of Flanders. It will cross the towns of Bergues, whose carillon was made famous by the film “Bienvenue chez les Ch’tis”. First difficulty: Mont Cassel.

The runners will then head towards the Audomarois and will pass through Saint Omer, Longuenesse, or even Lumbres. They will go to Licques, Rinxent and Marquise in the Boulonnais. On the program for this 4th stage, capes Gris-Nez and Blanc-Nez before the finish in Calais.

Move and zoom on our interactive map to discover the route and choose the best location to see the runners pass.

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Lille > Arenberg Porte du Hainaut

The next day the start of the 5th stage will be given in Lille in front of the headquarters of the Metropolis, a few steps from France Bleu Nord. The riders will have 11 cobbled sections on their program for a total of 19.4 kilometers before crossing the finish line at Arenberg Porte du Hainaut.

Move around and zoom in on our interactive map to discover the route and the cobbled sections of this stage.

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The 11 cobblestone sectors of the 5th stage:

  • from Villers-au-Tertre to Fressain – 1,400 meters
  • from Eswars to Paillencourt – 1,600 meters
  • from Wasnes-au-Bac to Marcq-en-Ostrevent -1,400 meters
  • from Emerchicourt to Monchécourt – 1,600 meters
  • from Monchicourt to Emerchicourt – 1,300 meters
  • Abscon – 1,500 meters
  • from Erre to Wandignies-Hamage – 2,800 meters
  • from Warlaing to Brillon – 2,400 meters
  • from Tilloy-lez-Marchiennes to Sars-et-Rosières – 2,400 meters
  • from Bousignies to Millonfosse – 1,400 meters
  • from Hasnon to Wallers (Pont Gibus) -1,600 meters

The Tour de France 2022, an event to experience on France Bleu.

source site-37