Toulouse crowned against Nantes


Video length: 2 min.

France 3

Article written by

N. Tabouri, L. Wolber, R. Doreau, R. Guillon, C. Dudon, M.-L. Robert, P. Brame – France 3

France Televisions

The Toulouse, crowned champions of France, crushed the Nantes, Saturday evening April 29, 5 to 1. All last night, the place of Capitole vibrated.

She resisted them for 66 years. Toulouse won its first Coupe de France on Saturday evening April 29 since 1957. A purple wave even swept over the Stade de France (Seine-Saint-Denis). 5-1, the Toulouse supporters could not believe themselves. And it’s true that this final will go down in football history, with a goal from Toulouse in the fourth minute. Then a second, a third, and even a fourth before halftime. Place du Capitole in Toulouse (Haute-Garonne) was crowded. “Enormous emotions, the jubilation is sensational”says a supporter.

Emmanuel Macron greeted the winners

In Nantes (Loire-Atlantique), the atmosphere was radically different, even if some still believed in it. But the penalty, scored by the Canaries in the 75th minute, will not change anything. Resigned, many Nantes supporters preferred to go home before the final whistle. Emmanuel Macron, present in the stands, greeted the winners. As for the Toulouse supporters, who came to watch the match, they are already back in the pink city, to welcome the victorious team to the balcony of the capitol this evening.

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