Tough presidential debate | Joe Biden returns to campaign to try to correct course

(Washington) Joe Biden, extremely weakened, returns to the campaign on Friday after a completely failed debate against Donald Trump which raises, even among his supporters, the question of whether he will continue to run for a second term.

(Re)read “A catastrophic presidential debate for Joe Biden”

(Re)read Yves Boisvert’s column “The shipwreck of Joe Biden”

Just read the implacable editorial by Thomas Friedman, who describes himself as a “friend” of the American president, on Friday in the New York Times.

“Joe Biden, a good man, a good president, is not in a position to run for re-election,” writes the editorialist, who says he “cried” seeing the 81-year-old Democrat, at times haggard, stumble over the words and stammer for 90 minutes in front of CNN cameras.

Philanthropist Maria Shriver, niece of the assassinated president “JFK” and ally of Joe Biden, wrote on the social network

“He had one thing to do [lors du débat], and it was to reassure the United States that he was capable of being president at his age. It’s a failure,” said a former Democratic senator, Claire McCaskill, on the MSNBC channel, which the main interested party often watches.

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