touching reunion between mother and daughter in Denmark


Video length: 2 min.


Article written by

T. Cuny, T. De Barbeyrac, France 3 Rhône-Alpes, N. Lachaud – France 2

France Televisions

Abducted on May 25 by his father and an accomplice, the 10-year-old child was finally able to find his mother in Denmark on Saturday May 27. The two suspects will be handed over to France in a few days, while a judicial investigation has been opened.

Eya, 10, was able to throw herself into her mother’s arms on Saturday afternoon, May 27, in Robbie, a port city in Denmark. The night before, her mother rushed to take the road from Isère and travel the 1,400 km that separated her from her daughter. “The reunion was moving and discreet. Little Eya is with her mother and will return very quickly to France”, said the French Embassy. Good news shared in Fontaine (Isère), where the girl had been kidnapped Thursday, May 25, on the way to school.

An open judicial inquiry

The kidnappers, her father and an accomplice, are immediately suspected of wanting to flee abroad. The two men fled by car, crossing Switzerland and then Germany. According to our information, it was while getting off the ferry that they were arrested along with the child. “They will be handed over to France within a few days to a few weeks”, explains Éric Vaillant, public prosecutor in Grenoble (Isère). From now on, Eya’s mother is waiting for French justice to prosecute the child’s father. Judicial information was opened, in particular for aggravated violence on the mother of the child and subtraction by ascending.

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