Touch of groove, a soul project inspired by Afro-American music from the sixties

The group directory is consisting of original compositions, with lyrics in English and a “roots” group sound in the tradition of Soul, Blues and Rhythm’n Blues music. Heartfelt covers brought back into the musical universe of TOG complete the repertoire.

This Band is made up of experienced artists. Sylvain Lansardière on keyboards, Paco on guitar, Olivier on drums and Pascal on bass provide the ideal musical setting for Letty M to express herself. This singer with a warm and powerful voice thus transmits the organic vibration offered by this music that speaks to the soul.

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This album is not nostalgic and is not part of a revival movement. It is the spirit of this music that speaks to the soul and the heart that the group wanted to revive. We find there the influence of Aretha Franklin, Sam Cooke or Ray Charles for compositions served by texts dealing with timeless subjects such as male-female relationships, the oppression of political leaders or on “covid” news…

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