TotalEnergies intends to pay an “exceptional bonus” to all of its employees worldwide

It should correspond to “one month’s salary”, wrote the oil group in a press release on Thursday. Except that the TotalEnergies strikers are not asking for a bonus or a bonus but for a salary increase.

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A gesture of appeasement? TotalEnergies announced on Thursday, October 13, the allocation to all of its employees worldwide “an exceptional bonus corresponding to one month’s salary”. It must be paid in December, “subject to salary agreements in the various countries and subsidiaries concerned”wrote the oil group.

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“The exceptional bonus, which will be capped for high salaries, will be paid to employees of all 100%-owned companies as well as to employees of companies more than 50%-owned if approved by their governance bodies”specifies TotalEnergies.

The CGT calls for a 10% increase in wages

The TotalEnergies strikers are not claiming a premium or bonus. The CGT, which launched the strike on September 27 at TotalEnergies, is demanding a 10% increase for 2022, against the 3.5% obtained at the start of the year, in order to offset inflation and take advantage of the group’s exceptional profits. .

The Minister of Economy Bruno Le Maire believes that TotalEnergies “must increase his wages”. “They have the capacity, therefore the duty to increase the wages of all their employees in proportions that they will negotiate with the trade unions”he said Thursday morning.

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