total skid on Twitter of a politician after the announcement!

This Thursday, July 20, 2023, Emmanuel Macron announced a new reshuffle in his government. We thus discovered that Elisabeth Borne retains her prestigious post of Prime Minister while Marlène Schiappa leaves the government and thus abandons her post of Secretary of State.

Whether Bruno the Mayor keep his status as Minister of Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty and that Gerald Darmanin retains his post as Minister of the Interior and Overseas Territories, Gabriel Attal was appointed Minister of National Education, replacing Pap Ndiaye. Also, Rima Abdul-Malak remains Minister of Culture, while Aurélien Rousseau takes on the post of Minister of Health and Prevention.

Very quickly, the reactions were numerous on social networks, in particular about the appointment of Gabriel Attal to the post of Minister of National Education. Many Internet users are indeed concerned to see a man who has never set foot in a public school having to manage the current problems within colleges, high schools or even universities…

“The transition from woke to LGBT”
And the day after this appointment, it is a tweet concerning Gabriel Attal who now gives himself up without embarrassment about his homosexuality, which is shocking to the highest degree. Surprised by this designation, Philippe de Villiers, 74-year-old politician, former Secretary of State, member of the Republican Party and MEP, declared: “The appointment of Gabriel Attal to replace Pap Ndiaye is the disaster of the summer: it is the transition from woke to LGBT. Attal is an activist, a prominent member of the Bilderberg group (a global influence group, made up of personalities from the economic or political world, editor’s note) supporter of national re-education. Macron has done his vacation duty: to change society”.

Words that do not pass through public opinion since Phillippe de Villiers now finds himself accused of homophobia, in particular by a multitude of elected leftists. “Homophobia is not an opinion but a crime” thus analyzed Olivier Faure, first secretary of the Socialist Party (PS) and deputy of Nupes. “Rance, homophobic, conspiratorial: De Villiers’ attack is the condensed version of all the current excesses. Let us pull ourselves together and understand where the real danger for the Republic comes from”, said Eric Coquerel, deputy of La France insoumise (LFI) and chairman of the Finance Committee.

“We have the right not to be a macronist. To be homophobic on the other hand, no”, declared Marine Tondelier, national secretary of Europe Ecologie les Verts (EELV). “No one should be insulted or discriminated against because of who they are. It is at least awkward and at worst abject“, launches for his part the member of the National Rally, Tanguy David. The tweet of Philippe de Villiers which, according to some, should be deleted, has already been seen more than a million times on Twitter.


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