torrents of rain flood the streets of Zaragoza


Video length: 2 min.

France 3

Article written by

France 3 – A. Lay, @RevelateursFTV, O. Sauvayre

France Televisions

On Thursday July 6, the city of Zaragoza, in Spain, was hit by torrential rains, causing extensive damage and turning streets into rivers.

In Zaragoza (Spain), a woman tries to survive an extremely violent torrent of mud by clinging to her car. Luckily, she was rescued by firefighters a few minutes later. In other videos, people cling to trees. Surreal scenes, as the inhabitants were surprised by the rising waters. Torrential rains have slaughtered, Thursday, July 6, in Zaragoza. They turned the streets of the city into rivers, and washed away cars in front of helpless residents.

No casualties so far

In some neighborhoods, more than 100 liters of water per square meter fell in just under an hour. In front of a supermarket, water gushed from all sides, rushing everywhere and invading dozens of streets. These floods have so far caused no casualties. More and more frequent and extreme phenomena, due to climate change.

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