Tornado kills 1, injures 7 in Netherlands

It is the first weather phenomenon of its kind to cause casualties in the country for almost three decades.

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This is the first deadly tornado in the country for thirty years. A tornado hit the town of Zierikzee, on the coast of the Netherlands, killing at least one person and injuring seven on Monday (June 27).

The provincial authorities have deplored “considerable damage” in several streets of the city, where the tornado tore down trees and tore the roofs of four houses. A tourist died after being hit in the head by a tile, and seven other people were injured, including one who was hospitalized. No less than 20 rental units have been made temporarily uninhabitable and the authorities have set up a shelter for the victims, according to a local association.

The Netherlands experiences several tornadoes each year, but the previous one to cause fatalities there was in 1992, according to the Dutch weather agency KNMI. “Violent whirlwinds, also called tornadoes, are rare in our country”noted KNMI on its website, adding that “the area in which they occur is usually no larger than a narrow track two to several tens of kilometers long and a few hundred meters wide”.

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