Top start for the Limoges Christmas market on December 1st

After a very reduced version last year, the Limoges 2021 Christmas market is back to normal this Wednesday, December 1st! Although the Christmas Village will be officially inaugurated at 5.30 p.m., the stands and activities have already been accessible since the end of the morning. Take a look at what this edition offers on France Bleu Limousin.

Four markets in one

Throughout the city center, around sixty chalets have taken up residence to allow you to find your gifts and eat, mainly located in three places:

  • The traditional market in rue Jean Jaurès: 25 chalets to find wooden toys, decorations, jewelry, gingerbread …
  • The traditional market place de la République: both sale of gifts and culinary specialties from all over France (Alsatian, Savoyard, mulled wine, donuts …)
  • The gourmet market Place Saint-Pierre and rue Rafilhoux
  • The craftsmen and producers market in the Jardin d’Orsay: the only French Christmas market entirely dedicated, with a hundred exhibitors selected by the Chamber of Agriculture and that of trades and crafts of Haute-Vienne

A novelty: mapping

Many activities are also planned to brighten up your wanderings in the different markets. The giant ice rink is back at Place de la République, the Santa’s cottage moved to Place Saint-Pierre and the Game library opens at the Pavillon du Verdurier, all for free. Place de la Motte, the Sapin merry-go-round is also making a comeback, and the funfair opens from December 4 at Champ-de-Juillet.

This year, the city of Limoges is also launching an evening entertainment on the facade of the church of Saint-Pierre-du-Queyroix: a “mapping”, projection of a video to celebrate the holidays. Entitled “At the heart of Christmas”, it was produced by Enluminures, a structure for creating shows and highlighting the heritage, culture, history and architecture of Limoges.

Other one-off activities, such as workshops for children, concerts and strolls are planned throughout the month. For the program, go to the Limoges Christmas market website.

Launch of the illuminations this December 1st at 6 p.m.

What would Christmas be without its illuminations? All over the city, garlands and lanterns will decorate the market in 81 different places. In total, 600 decorated motifs and 7 km of garlands have been installed.
Several options to discover these illuminations: the “light trail, city side” and a “light train ride”.

source site-36