Top Chef: An ex-candidate is a mother, 1st photo several months after giving birth!

Great news for the former candidate of Top chef ! Tara Khattar became a mother. Indeed, the pretty brunette gave birth to her first child. It was in a photo on Instagram, on March 12, 2022, that she announced the happy news.

And as you can see, it’s been months since the baby was born. The young woman has indeed posted a photo of her feeding her son. And as she says in the comments, his name is Michael. “Onion soup for Michael. After a long break from social media, I’m finally back. These few months have been extremely difficult and challenging, with the ups and downs that life has in store. (…) I was not very present for two reasons, the first is because I had a lot of personal things to manage and the second reason is that it makes you feel guilty to post things to About my life while the world and Lebanon are going through so much…“, she wrote.

Tara Khattar continues: “I want to enjoy my life and live it fully because you never know when things might change!“Happy to finally make the birth of her son official, she confirmed that”the climax” of her year was, precisely, the birth of Michael. And to warn her subscribers that she now risks posting a lot of content around her baby!

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