Top Chef: An ex-candidate forced to close his restaurant, galleys and hard blow …

Hard blow for a former candidate of Top chef. His restaurant, which has been open for a few months, is experiencing some difficulties… This is Damien Laforce, spotted in 2019 during the tenth season of the M6 ​​culinary competition won by Samuel Albert. In the kitchens of his own establishment called The Pointer and located in Lille, he explains himself.

Wednesday, January 19, 2022, on the restaurant’s official Instagram account, a post is shared. One of the chefs stands in the kitchen, cutting through red meat, a phone screwed to his forehead with the flash on. A funny image that becomes clearer with the few words written in the caption. “Friends, this afternoon unfortunately we cannot accommodate you. We have minor electrical issues following our long-awaited work…“, we learn then.

Bad news that the restaurant team shares with a touch of humor. “The goal: no longer have to sing happy birthday as often as since the opening! We cross our fingers to receive you in good conditions as soon as possible.“, can we also read. The hashtags “#extremecuisine“, “#vismaviederestaurateur” and “#McGyver” also testify to the irony of the situation. Phew, the same evening Damien Laforce and his team received the customers without incident!

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