Top 14 – UBB: O’Gara “unbearable” in the eyes of Urios

The scene took place just before half-time on the sidelines. The Irish coach of La Rochelle loudly expressed his joy after a ball recovered by his team. Christophe Urios then went to explain his way of thinking to him. The two men challenged each other very closely and the Bordeaux manager even gave him a little slap.

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This is not the first time that Ronan O’Gara’s behavior has annoyed the UBB. In March 2021, still in Chaban-Delmas, the Irishman had even come close to coming to blows with staff members in the stands.

Incidents in the stands last year

Asked about his gesture at a press conference, Christophe Urios did not fail to say what he thought of his counterpart. “This guy is unbearable. I regret that the 4th and 5th referees did not do their job. How can we enter the field, connect the guys? He goes to the stands, he fucks up in the stands, he’s on the edge of the pitch, he fucks up… He’s unbearable, this guy. He looks good, I don’t give a shit about O’Gara.

Something to spice up even more the reunion between the two teams who will face each other in a week, still in Gironde, in the round of 16 first leg of the Champions Cup.

READ ALSO: UBB loses 16-15 against La Rochelle.

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