Top 14 – Section Paloise: the match against Brive will take place on Sunday at Le Hameau

It was the last question mark to be raised, this Friday, before being able to assure that the meeting between the Section Paloise and the CA Brive will take place this Sunday, at 2 p.m. at the Hameau: the result of the new PCR tests of the two teams. This doubt is removed, since according to our information, the tests of the two staff did not reveal a new positive case, questioning the holding of the match.

For the Section Paloise, it will be the end of a three-week “forced truce”, the last match dates back to the defeat against the London Irish at the opening of the Challenge Cup. For the CAB, at one month, and a nice slap in Lyon.

As a reminder, the return of the gauges in places open to the public – and the closing of the refreshments – will only come into effect on Monday.

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