TOP 14 (J3) – The Montpellier French champions expected in Brive in Corrèze

Barely on their little cloud after the victory (17-6) against Perpignan, that we have to come back down. Brive faces a big piece this Saturday (5 p.m.) in the person of the champions of France Montpellier. “It’s a good team, they are the champions of France” exclaims Abraham Papali’i, New Zealand’s new recruit. “They had a good season last year. It’s a good challenge for us” complete before adding “I think we can beat any team, especially if we stick to the game plan” defined by the coaches.

A team with little change from the starting XV in Perpignan

It front of 11 wounds that gnaw away at Brivistes (including three in the last match: Luka Japaridze, Tevita Ratuva and Lucas Paulos), the staff once again trusted the youngsters. These repeated injuries do not worry too much the coach in charge of the scrum Goderzi Shvelidze. “No, we trusted the young people, we have to continue like this. We have to progress to have more margin on the first line because it gets hurt faster. But we have room: last week Nathan (Fraissenon) had a good comeback and Wes (Tapueluelu) had a good game.”

The Tongan pillar will start again this Saturday against Montpellier, associated with Motu Matu’u and Pietro Ceccarelli. Nathan Fraissenon will once again be the alternate left prop. For Tapueluelu, this game “going to be a big game”. But in Perpignan, he showed he was a cut above last season. “For me, last year, it was all about confidence. I didn’t have confidence in myself. Whereas this year, I understood how I had to concentrate before the games”. Progress seen by new recruit Abraham Papali’i.

“Wesley has been there for three years with Brive, he already has experience. Being young, it allowed him to progress naturally. He played his first match last week and he played well. I can’t wait to see it throughout the season”

Note in the Brive composition an unprecedented second line with the first tenure of Dutchman Renger Van Eerten and new recruit Julien Delannoy. Oscar Rixen, 20, will honor his first game sheet with the pros. As for the back line, it does not change from the one that started against Perpignan last week.

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The Montpellierans with internationals in Corrèze

The champions of France, who remain on a 29-10 success against Bordeaux, come with intentions in Corrèze, according to the established formula. Among them, there are many internationals: Mohamed Haouas is a substitute, as is the Italian Paolo Garbisi. The hinge will be half-French, half-Georgian (Aprazidze/Carbonel).

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