TOP 14 (J1) – Brive is about to pass its first big test against Lyon

To hear the players as the staff, the preparation was studious and the team even seems stronger than last year at the same time. “Pro players have raised their physical standards” confirms the physical trainer Dominique Schenck, who also adds another good point: “We have injuries from last season, but we haven’t created any new injuries this pre-season. So we have a physically competitive group” believes the head of the physical preparation unit of CA Brive.

The group was dense, nearly 45 players, with many young hopefuls. They pulled the band up like the eight rookies believes Thomas Laranjeira. “They arrive with a lot of enthusiasm and I think they will bring added value. Already, they will bring a lot of competition, and in the Top 14, you need it” completes the one who will be captain this Saturday on the lawn.

Confidence but humility

When facing Lyon, Brive remains on two victorious friendly matches against Bristol and Racing. “It was important for the group, explains Esteban Abadie,generate confidence before hosting Lyon at home, it sends good signals to the team, but it is to be moderated. These are friendly matches and it will be a whole new level.” this Saturday. The third row remains revengeful after the two regular season defeats against LOU last year (41-0 away, 31-17 at home).

“We have revenge to take. It’s a great challenge, especially in front of our supporters”

Esteban Abadie targets a point that will be the key to the match: discipline, especially in conquest. It will especially be a challenge for the new recruits lined up, 3 holders in the front package, including the two pillars Malino Vanaï and Marcel van der Merwe. The 23 players will be scrutinized by their coach. Jeremy Davidson; “Last year, Lyon came to put us in misery in a difficult period. I hope the players remember it” concludes the coach. It will be necessary because if the CAB wants to avoid a terrible end to the season to seek maintenance on the last day, it will be necessary to take the points from the start of the season… so it starts with a victory against Lyon.

Four recruits in the composition of Brive, two young people make their first

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Lyon with six rookies and heavy despite injuries

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