Top 10: the cheapest cars in 2023

Automotive news in 2022 has been marked by themes like inflation, rising prices, shortages of semiconductors and the disappearance of cars in favor of SUVs. So much bad news for consumers looking for a simple, rational, affordable and economical means of transport. Indeed, the days when you could get a new Honda Civic for $15,000 are over. Fortunately, to enjoy the peace of mind and the smell of a new vehicle, there are still a few options that won’t break the bank.

So here are the 10 most affordable cars in 2023, if you don’t want an SUV or a crossover.

Note: Prices shown are MSRP (Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price) at time of posting and are subject to change. They do not include taxes, discounts or other applicable fees.

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