“Too many things that bother me”

French television icon for her role as “Joséphine, guardian angel”, Mimie Mathy recently appeared in I Love You hairstyle, the series by her friend Muriel Robin. In an interview with TV Mag, she admitted that she had been luckier than the homosexual actress in her career.

“I wasn’t as close to him as Muriel”

And to explain about the few roles she had in the cinema “I have this regret less than Muriel because like me she didn’t have a series that propelled her for 26 years on the screens. I tell myself that it will come now”. A kindness that Mimie Mathy also has for Muriel Robin’s former best friend, Pierre Palmade, whom she knows well.

Our colleagues recall that in 1994, she co-wrote her first one woman show with Pierre Palmade.Mimie” at the Splendid. A relationship which did not deepen after their collaboration, since the blonde assures: “I wasn’t as close to him as Muriel.” Regarding the by-product car accident he caused in February 2023, which caused tragedy for a family, Mimie Mathy believes: “What he did is unforgivable but he pays for it himself.”

“I wish him only the best”

And added after the death of a pregnant passenger’s baby: “It’s a shame that it caused inconvenience to a family who hadn’t asked for anything.”. And while Pierre Palmade was not disowned by Mireille Dumas, for these errors, the actress admits: “He’s not someone close to me, there are too many things that bother me“. And to conclude: “I wish him only the best, I especially wish him to get through it because it’s not easy to take responsibility for what he did and I’d rather be in my place than in his.”


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