too many non-compliant speed bumps in France


Video duration:
1 minute

France 2

Article written by

France 2 – M. Delaunay, M. Mouamma, B. Jacques

France Televisions

Nearly half of speed bumps in France are illegal. This is what motorist associations denounce, who are calling for their modification.

It’s difficult to drive around town without hitting a speed bump. They are part of the daily life of motorists. Since 2022, 144 speed bumps have been installed in the Toulouse metropolis, which causes certain nuisances. “We hear acceleration, braking, sound effects”, reports a local resident. Furthermore, more than 30% of speed bumps in France are not up to standard.

Toulouse Métropole has launched work

A motorcycle association, FFMC 31, noted numerous anomalies. Some installations are more than 10 cm, the limit set by law. “It becomes aberrant and dangerous. We don’t have a percentage of accidents caused by speed bumps, but I’m sure that it contributes a little to some falls.” says Patrick Cor, deputy coordinator of FFMC 31. To bring them up to standard, Toulouse Métropole has embarked on renovation work. 10% of infrastructure would be affected.

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