too long legal delays?



France 2

Article written by

A. Bard, A. Lay, L. Berbey, A. Dupont, L. Haedrich, B. de Saint Jore – France 2

France Televisions

While the budget allocated to justice is expected to increase, the slowness of judgments in France is being noticed in the courts, with cases judged very late.

What if French justice was too slow? In the court of Créteil (Val-de-Marne), many cases of judicial slowness exist. A woman, victim of domestic violence, waited almost two years for her case to be tried. While some cases are left hanging for a long time, others are rushed through. “Correctional hearings sometimes end after midnight, with magistrates who are exhausted and who do not listen to anything”, explains Master Mathilde Guéry, lawyer at the Paris Bar.

In France, the average processing time for a criminal case is around 41.5 months, which is equivalent to three and a half years. The budget allocated to justice will be increased by 660 million euros in 2022. Almost half of this sum will be allocated to the penitentiary system. “This budget is not at all devoted to increasing the workforce”, explains Sarah Massoud, national secretary of the magistrate’s union.

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