too early to lift restrictions?



France info

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From Monday, January 24, the vaccination pass will be in place for those over 16 years old. The government wants to be optimistic for the month of February.

Faced with the lifting of restrictions, there are those who are relieved and the most skeptical who fear the end of the wearing of masks outdoors. From February 2, end of gauges in stadiums and concert halls, end of teleworking and end of outdoor masks. Fifteen days later, it will be the turn of the nightclubs to reopen. It will be possible to eat in transport and to consume standing in bars. A return to an almost normal life that the government justifies by the entry into force, from Monday January 24, of the vaccination pass validated by the Constitutional Council.

But will this new lever be enough? Not sure according to some doctors. “If we look at February 2, the date of the reopening, we do not see on what criterion it was decided, of course it is political criteria but are there health markers which allow this?, announces Professor Gilles Pialoux, head of the infectious diseases department at the Tenon hospital in Paris. If the number of contaminations is decreasing, it remains very high with 400,851 positive cases in the last 24 hours. In hospitals, the peak of the Omicron wave has not yet been reached.

source site-14